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Johnny is on a vacation in Wu Feng’s city. He stays(待在) in a hotel not far from Wu Feng’s house. Today he wants to visit Wu Feng. Wu Feng writes him an e-mail to tell him the way.

Dear Johnny,

The hotel you stay at is not far from my house. It only takes you about twenty minutes to walk here. Let me tell you how to get to my place now.

Turn right when you get out of your hotel. Go along Zhujiang Road until(直到……) you see a Russian restaurant. Turn left and you’re on Taishan Road. You will pass a supermarket, a bank and a post office. Turn right at the third crossing. Walk along Minjiang Road until you see a small park on your right. My house is across from the small park, It’s between a bookstore and a clothes store. I’ll wait for you at home in the afternoon. Call me if you have any problem. See you soon.

Wu Feng

1.Johnny comes to Wu Feng’s city to     .

A、visit his grandparents

B、meet some old friends

C、to take a vacation

2.It takes Johnny about twenty minutes to get to Wu Feng’s home     .

A、on foot   B、by bus   C、by train

3.To get to Wu Feng’s house, Johnny has to walk through     roads.

A、three    B、four    C、five

4.Wu Feng’s house is      .

A、between a bank and a post office

B、behind a small zoo

C、on Minjiang Road

5.Johnny has to turn right     .

A、at the third crossing on Taishan Road

B、when he sees a small park

C、at the first crossing on Zhujiang Road

