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Many years ago, Norman Cousins got a very serious disease (疾病). The doctors said he only had six months to live.  1.  Norman thought his negative emotions (消极情绪) had something to do with his disease. He wondered, "If negative emotions can make  me sick, can positive (积有乐观的) activities make me healthy?"

He decided to have a try.  2.  He watched funny movies, read funny stories and did anything that would make him laugh. Surprisingly, he got well again.  3. 

Some studies also show that laughing is good for people' s health. 4.  If you are well, laughing helps you stay that way. So, if you like laughing, go on enjoying it. If you don't like laughing, why not have a try?

Do anything that makes you laugh— watch movies, sitcoms; read books, cartoons and jokes; hang out with friends. Laugh!ongand loud   5.  But they'll join you in the end.

Some diseases may be contagious(接触传染的)but none is as contagious as the cure (疗法)—laughing.


A. If you're not well, laughing helps you get well.

B. He was often worried, unhappy and angry before he got the disease.

C. People around you may think you're strange at first.

D. Laughing was one of the most positive activities he knew.

E. He lived another 20 happy and healthy years.

