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One day, an old couple around the age of 70 walked into a lawyer’s office. They were there to get a divorce(离婚). The lawyer(律师) was very puzzled. A1  having a chat with them, he got their story.

This couple had been quarrelling in their 40 years of marriage and nothing ever seemed to go right. They stayed together because of their children. Now all their children have grown up and have their o2  families. There’s nothing else the old couple have to w3  about. All they want is to live their own life, so both have agreed on a divorce.

The lawyer was having a hard time trying to get papers done. He couldn’t understand why the old couple w4  a divorce. While they were signing the papers, the wife told the husband, “ I really love you, but I really can’t carry on any more.”

“It’s Ok, I understand,” said the husband. Looking at this, the lawyer suggested a

d5  together, just the three of them. The wife thought, why not, since they were still going to be f6 .

The first dish was roasted chicken. At once, the old man took the chicken leg and gave it to the old lady. “Take this, it’s your f7 .

Looking at this, the lawyer thought maybe here was a chance, but the wife looked

u8  when she answered, “This is the problem. You always think so highly of yourself and never think about how I feel. Don’t you know that I h9  chicken legs?”

Little did she know that, over the years, the husband had been trying many d10  ways to please her; little did she know that chicken legs were her husband’s favourite.

