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One of the most popular comments I have heard about time is that we need to balance our time in order to live a more balanced life. We often feel that if we are focused and devoted, happy and positive, loving and generous, healthy and energetic, then we will be balanced people. And if the pie chart of our daily life has just the right ratios(比率) of work, life, family, health, and service, then our time will be balanced.

The problem with trying hard for balance is that most people’s understanding of this state is so different from what balance actually is! Balance is not about walking around with a bunch of positive qualities; it’s about walking on the tight rope between the poles within us and the circumstances outside of us. Strictly speaking, in order to achieve true balance, we should accept we may have some shortcomings. We should accept and love the most challenging parts of life because they offer gifts for full, real living.

Even though we measure time in a linear(线状的) way, time is and will always be asymmetrical(不均匀的). One moment is not like another, just like each day is different and each tide that rolls in is different from the previous one. This is why it is impossible to balance our time through a pie chart in a time management book. Exploring asymmetrical time allows us to move in line with an unbalanced time and thus regain our relative balance. If we stop measuring ourselves against the standards of linear time, we can accept ourselves more fully. New possibilities arise as we accept the uncertainty.

1.Why does the author think it’s difficult to achieve balance in life?

A. People don’t know the true meaning of balance.

B. People may not have enough good qualities.

C. People cannot create their pie charts of daily life.

D. People fail to realize the qualities they really need.

2.In the author’s opinion, what does a balanced life mean?

A. We should arrange our time wisely.

B. We should try to believe ourselves.

C. We should learn to improve ourselves and our lives.

D. We should accept the bad aspects of ourselves and life.

3.What does the last paragraph mainly want to tell us?

A. Uncertainty can help build up confidence.

B. It is difficult for us to accept ourselves fully.

C. There are always uncertain things occurring in life.

D. New possibilities can help us achieve balance in life.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. The true meaning of time

B. Seeking relative balance

C. Struggle for a balanced life

D. Popular comments about time

