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The other day, I was getting into my car when I saw an old man walking up the hill. He looked tired, so I waited to see _________ he was OK. He was fine, so I _________ him where he came from. He said that he just_________ a train. He was almost blind, but I said he was _________ .

We spent the next thirty minutes   _________ about his life. He told me he invited _________ the army during the Second World War. And I even found _________ had a connection through a family member! We laughed so much that we almost cried.

It cost me nothing other than thirty minutes of my _________. I learnt so much, and Albert enjoyed the talking and left smiling.

I also had a(n) opportunity _________ to thank this great man for all he did to keep the country   _________ during the war.

Thanks, amazing Albert. You are an inspiration!

1.A. if      B. why      C. but

2.A. told    B. asked      C. kept

3.A. got on  B. drove away C. got off

4.A. clever  B. great      C. lucky

5.A. asking  B. thinking C. talking

6.A. joined  B. held      C. invited

7.A. we     B. they      C. he

8.A. money  B. time      C. afternoon

9.A. friend  B. plan      C. opportunity

10.A. clean  B. happy     C. safe

