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A. 阅读表达。

Hi, I’m Abby. I’m very lucky to be here. My parents work on a large sheep farm in central Australia. During my summer vacation, I helped my parents and brother move some sheep. One day the bike I was on hit a rock (撞到一块石头) and (1)我摔了下来把头撞了。Nobody saw it happen, so I quickly got back on the bike and kept working.

The next day I had a headache(头痛), but I thought it was just because of the sun. Later I was fine. But two weeks later, I got a really bad headache. By the evening, it was worse. At first my family laughed at me and said I was pretending (假装) to be ill. But when my mom touched me, she knew it was true.

Dad looked at my eyes and asked, "Did you hit your head these days?"

"No, "I replied .But then I remembered the fall."I fell off the bike, but that was weeks ago, "I told him.

"Could it be a concussion(脑震荡)? Let’s call the doctor, "said my mom.

(2)That’s the last thing I could remember.

Thank goodness for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Just an hour after my mom talked to the doctor, a plane arrived. The doctor said I was seriously ill. They put me on the plane and took me to the hospital. I had an operation(手术) in the hospital and stayed there for a week. Everyone said if it wasn’t for the Flying Doctor, I would lose my life.

1.Where do Abby’s parents work?


2.What was Abby doing when she hit her head?


3.What did her family think when Abby first felt ill?






