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My name is Scott and I am 36 years old. I have spent most of my adult life doing an 41 job, so I had a very cynical (愤世嫉俗的) view of life and the world around me. I saw no point in trying to 42 my life or the lives of the people around me.

Two years ago my wife 43 me to return to school and work toward a career where I would find satisfaction. So I entered Long Beach City College to pursue a 44  in history. Last term I took a political science class. The   45 Dr. Rock had such a great effect on me. He 46  in the Air Force, worked in the U.S. nuclear program and served in the White House. When I asked another instructor   47 someone who was so overqualified worked at a small community college, she 48 told me because he wanted to.

This 49 me, so I asked Dr. Rock himself why he did not pursue a better role in his career. What he told me has changed my 50 forever. He told me that by working at the college he  would be able to 51 the kinds of students he believed would make a 52  in the world. He said that   53 the right motivation and support, the students he taught could become the future leaders of our country. He said that he preferred the inner city 54 because the students there showed the 55 promise and cared deeply for their education.

Dr. Rock paid attention to the needs of the community. He taught me how to care and 56 us to take part in our community in any way we 57 .

I thought that I was the 58 one that was affected by his lessons, but at the end of the term I found that the entire class had felt the same 59 that came over me. Dr. Rock taught us how to 60 our country, our community and ourselves.

1.                A.irregular        B.unsatisfying      C.impatient D.unfamiliar

2.                A.taste           B.feel            C.better    D.respect

3.                A.convinced      B.suggested       C.ordered  D.informed

4.                A.degree         B.reward         C.success   D.career

5.                A.headmaster     B.classmate       C.officer   D.instructor

6.                A.played         B.served         C.assisted   D.succeeded

7.                A.where         B.how           C.why D.whether

8.                A.angrily         B.hurriedly        C.nervously D.simply

9.                A.interested      B.frightened       C.worried  D.troubled

10.               A.feeling         B.spirit           C.life   D.family

11.               A.remember      B.reach          C.watch D.calm

12.               A.promise        B.decision        C.difference D.choice

13.               A.beyond        B.through        C.for   D.with

14.               A.environment    B.college         C.education  D.background

15.               A.most           B.usual          C.deepest   D.strongest

16.               A.forced         B.warned         C.encouraged    D.invited

17.               A.could          B.did            C.should    D.had

18.               A.few           B.just            C.first  D.only

19.               A.time           B.change         C.pressure  D.reaction

20.               A.appeal to       B.make for        C.turn to    D.care about

