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完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

There is a kite on the wall of my room. Every time I see it, I 1.my father’s words.

It was on my ninth birthday. He bought a wonderful bird-shaped kite for me as my birthday present. I liked it very much and Dad promised to play with me 2.the rain stopped the next day.

I got up early the next day. It was a fine day. After breakfast, Dad took me to the nearby park. 3. around us seemed to welcome our coming. We began to 4. the kite. The kite was up slowly in the air, just like a big 5..

“Why do you 6. the line to control(控制)the kite? 7. not let it fly freely in the sky?” I asked.

“I am afraid the kite can’t fly high if I don’t control it with the line. Sometimes, control is 8..” Dad answered.

I was too young to know 9. Dad said then. But when I grow up, I begin to know the real meaning of my father’s words. And it’s 10.helpful in my life.

11.A. hurt         B. trust        C. forget         D. remember

12.A. or          B. if          C. so          D. but

13.A. Something     B. Anything      C. Everything       D. Nothing

14.A. fly         B. knock        C. believe        D. fit

15.A. cloud        B. kite          C. bird          D. carrot

16.A. hit         B. protect        C. use            D. pay

17.A. How          B. When        C. What         D. Why

18.A. honest        B. helpful      C. generous        D. bored

19.A. something      B. that        C. why          D. what

20.A. really       B. mainly       C. importantly     D. great

