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Peter was reading in the garden when his mother came. She pointed(指着) to something and asked Peter what it was. Peter was ______, but he told her it was a butterfly and went on reading.

A few minutes later, his mother pointed to the same butterfly and asked the same question again. Peter got a little angry but ______ answered her question. After some minutes, his mother did the same thing again. This time Peter couldn’t ______ it. He shouted at her because she kept on ______ the same question again and again.

The old woman walked to her own room without a word. Then she came back ______ an old diary, turned to a page and showed it to Peter. Though a little impatient(不耐烦的), Peter began to read it.

“Today, I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Peter pointed to a ______ on the flowers and asked me what it was. I ______ at him, and said it was a butterfly and kissed him. After a while Peter asked me again and I did the same. Little Peter asked me what it was twenty times and I answered his question ______ times and kissed him every time.”

Something special touched (触动) Peter’s heart. His ______ turned red because he felt so sorry for shouting at his mother.

Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime, ______ you may not know that until they are gone.

1.A. lucky   B. friendly   C. afraid   D. unhappy

2.A. also   B. still   C. often   D. yet

3.A. show   B. stand   C. read   D. follow

4.A. showing   B. hearing   C. asking   D. answering

5.A. for   B. as   C. with   D. over

6.A. butterfly   B. snake   C. flower   D. plant

7.A. shouted   B. laughed   C. smiled   D. looked

8.A. five   B. ten   C. fifteen   D. twenty

9.A. face   B. mouth   C. head   D. hand

10.A. and   B. so   C. but   D. because

