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Kids' birthday party are more fun than adults'(成年人的) parties.You don't have to be serious.And there are a few things for parents to remember when they want to have one for their kids.

Make a list(清单).Each kid wants different kinds of parties.Write down all your child's ideas on a piece of paper and then get things ready according to(根据) the list.

Make invitations.Make sure you won't have the party at the same time as your child's soccer game.Make sure you write down the name of each guest,so you will know the number of the things you have to prepare,such as chairs and plates.

Buy something.If you go to a party store,they will have everything you need,and you won't have to go to different stores to get everything ready.

You need to decide whether(是否) to buy a cake or make one.Decide what kind of food to have.Make sure to get the food ready on time.

You could have some drinks,such as Coke and juice.Having a small bottle of cold water is a good idea,too,especially(尤其) during hot weather.

1.If you don't want to forget to do things for the party,you should ________.

A. invite everyone   B. make a list

C. buy many things   D. plan the party food

2.If you have the party at the same time as your child's soccer game,what may happen?

A. They want to enjoy both the game and the party.

B. All the children want to go to the party better.

C. More children will come to enjoy the party.

D. Fewer children will come to enjoy the party.

3.What is the best place to buy things for the party?

A. A party store.   B. A supermarket.

C. A restaurant.   D. A shop next to your house.

4.The fifth paragraph mainly tells us to ________.

A. plan party drinks   B. invite guests

C. plan party food   D. plan party games

5.What's the main idea of the passage?

A. Why to organize a birthday party for kids.

B. When to organize a birthday party for kids.

C. How to organize a birthday party for kids.

D. Preparing a birthday party for kids is much easier.

