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You may have had grand plans about getting organized in college. And yet, despite your best intentions, your plans didn’t seem to get along. So just how can you stay organized for the long road ahead?

1. If you were totally devoted to making a difference, but it ended up not working well, don’t be too hard on yourself. That just means a particular system didn’t work for you, not that you’re bad at time management.

2.When you’re faced with anything connected with your college life duties —— from a cell phone bill to an email from your mom about when you’re coming home for Thanksgiving —— make yourself know what to do.

Spend a little time each week reorganizing. You’re in college because you’ve got a great brain.3.Just like a finely tuned athlete, your brain is learning, expanding, and strengthening each week you’re in school. Spend a few moments looking over what you have done, what you’re doing, and what you’ll need to do over the next few weeks.4.

Plan ahead to stay ahead. Everyone knows that student who always says “Oh, I cant do it now. I’ll finish it before the deadline.” won’t be able to finish the work.5. If you have a major event you’re planning, make sure your homework is done ahead of schedule so you can focus on your event when the time comes.

A. So put it to use on all you have to do outside of the classroom!

B. Those precious minutes can save you a lot of lost time.

C. A messy room can represent a messy college life.

D. Keep trying time management systems until you find one that works.

E. Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health.

F. Plan ahead for everything you have to do.

G. Stay on top of your responsibilities.

