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1.New York is a m_________________ city where people from different backgrounds work and live together.

2.He dislikes me and never supports me. In a word, he has p_______________ against me.

3.The man from the insurance company is making a___________ of the accident and will make compensation.

4.Ladies and gentlemen, welcome board our flight! Our s____________ will serve foods and drinks during the five-hour trip.

5.Taiwan is part of China and we will never allow its s________________ from the mainland.

6.A positive attitude will keep one healthy both physically and s_________________.

7.Several teachers are awarded prizes for their d_______________ to their work.

8.She had a normal p_________________ and delivered a healthy child.

9.I went to the basketball match and got Kobe’s a_________________ signature(亲笔签名) after the game.

10.A good student is one who is self-disciplined, imaginative and full of c___________.

