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Bob, 15 years old, Toronto, Canada

In my free time, I like reading books, My favorite writer is Mark Twain. His books are very humorous. I also like O. Henry very much. His stories always finish with surprising endings.

Yuki, 12 years old, Tokyo, Japan

Every day afrter school, I finish my homework first.

Then I will watch cartoons on TV. I think they are interesting. Of all cartoon programs, I like Tom and Jerry best.

Kate, 15 years old, London, UK

I like music very much. American country music can always drive me crazy. A song that I'm fond of is Take Me. Home, Country Road. These days, I am beginning to enjoy Chinese music.

Dick, 16 years old, Wellington, New Zealand

I'm going to high school this September, so I have much homework every day. But I try to find some time to hang out with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema or the library; sometimes we go swimming or play football or basketball together.

1.. All of them are from English-speaking countries except_________.

A. Bob   B. Yuki   C. Kate   D. Dick

2. What do we know about Take Me Home, Country Road?

A. It's a TV program.   B. It's a movie.

C. It's a book by Mark Twain.  D. It's an American song.

3.. Who of them are of the same age?

A. Bob and Yuki.  B. Yuki and Dick.

C. Bob and Kate.  D. Kate and Dick.

