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There is an unforgettable beauty to the Karoo, a vast semi-desert, that seems empty save for the stars overhead and sheep eating grass below. Economic opportunities here are few.

But the Karoo’s clear skies also draw some of the world's best scientists. A radio telescope project called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is under construction, with the latest group of 64 giant antennae(天线)due to be completed late next year. When finished, it will be the biggest radio telescope in the world and should allow scientists to peer into the origins of the universe.

Still, some sheep farmers are complaining. Because of the sensitivity of the telescope, the surrounding area must be kept free from radio interference(干扰)caused by everything from mobile phones to microwave ovens and some car engines. The SKA is buying up more farms than originally expected to ensure radio silence over an area of some 130,000 hectares. There will be no mobile phone signals allowed, except in the few towns in the area. Save the Karoo, an advocacy group, isn’t convinced by the bright future of groundbreaking astronomical discoveries. Its members fear the restrictions will make the Karoo “a cut-off and backward region”, and warn that people serving farms near the SKA site could face financial ruin. “I don't care about a black hole siting somewhere out in space,” says Eric Torr, an organiser with the group. “It does not put food on the table.”

Sky-high expectations in this down-at-heel area are also a problem. An SKA official complains that the locals expect the telescope to solve all their problems. Some jobs have been created, but few locals have the skills to find out the secrets of distant galaxies. Until recently the high school in Carnarvon, a nearby town, didn’t even have a maths and science teacher. The SKA organisation hired one, and is also offering scholarship to college students. Perhaps if the next generation's horizons are raised, they will be able to take advantage of the radio telescopes in their own backyard.

1.The project SKA is aimed at ______.

A.creating jobs for locals B.exploring the universe

C.protecting the sheep D.saving the Karoo

2.What most disturbs the locals’ life?

A.The shrinking of their farmlands. B.Restrictions of radio signals.

C.The construction of the project. D.Noises of car engines.

3.What can be inferred from Eric’s words?

A.Food should be put on the table. B.Eric faces financial difficulty.

C.The black hole is nowhere to be found. D.The project makes no sense to Eric.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Telescope in the Backyard B.Expectations of the Locals

C.Biggest Radio Telescope D.Great Astronomical Discovery

