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Susan was a shy but clever girt. She ________thick glasses, which were often made fun of by her classmates. The  ________thing was that Lewis had started calling her “Four Eyes”, and the nickname had become very________. Now everyone knew her as “Suzy Four Eyes”.

One day, the class went to visit some famous caves. When walking to the caves, Lewis put his right________in a hole and slipped(滑倒). While ________, he caught Susan, who was walking next to him, and they both fell into the hole.

They ________in a dark cave. There was only a ray of light coming from the cave roof. Susan and Lewis shouted for help, ________no one came. Sitting together in the cold, dark cave, they ________a long night. .

The next morning, they still hadn’t been________. Lewis continued shouting for help, ________ to look for a way out. But nothing was found.

Hours later, Susan noticed that the light was ________into the hole in a straight line. Quickly, she gathered some leaves. ________her glasses as a magnifying glass(放大镜), she focused the ________onto the leaves until a little flame came out. Lewis watched all this with ________and excitement.__________the light from fire, they began to explore the cave.

________, they found a way out and Lewis gave Susan his sincere thanks. Now he ________having named Susan “Four Eyes”, ________after seeing that it was her glasses that had ________them both. Lewis told everyone________had happened and said, “I couldn’t have been with a better friend than Laser Light Suzy!”

And from that day there was no longer any Four Eyes at their school, but Laser(激光)Light Suzy instead.

1.A.made B.sold C.wore D.took

2.A.best B.least C.most D.worst

3.A.funny B.popular C.interesting D.successful

4.A.foot B.hand C.fingers D.arm

5.A.walking B.jumping C.falling D.catching

6.A.stopped B.landed C.left D.moved

7.A.since B.because C.but D.so

8.A.shared B.passed C.entered D.missed

9.A.found B.reached C.followed D.solved

10.A.failing B.managing C.trying D.preferring

11.A.growing B.building C.recovering D.shining

12.A.Turning B.Knowing C.Putting D.Using

13.A.eye B.hole C.light D.fire

14.A.surprise B.sadness C.patience D.anger

15.A.For B.With C.From D.Or

16.A.Strangely B.Suddenly C.Luckily D.Usually

17.A.enjoyed B.remembered C.forgot D.regretted

18.A.generally B.especially C.gradually D.normally

19.A.escaped B.organized C.saved D.kept

20.A.what B.it C.that D.which

