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In the morning, Zack gets up. He looks at the clock. It is already eight o'clock. He is going to be late for school.

Zack quickly puts on his clothes and runs into the dining room. His mother is sitting at the table and listening to the radio. “Mum, why don't you wake me up?” Zack asks. “I'm going to be late for school. ” Mum smiles. “Look outside, Zack,” she says.

Zack walks over to the window. His eyes get big--everything outside is white! Everything is under the snow. It is very quiet and beautiful.

Mum says, “It is the biggest snow in 30 years. The radio says all schools are closed.” Zack says, “Oh, Mum, I need to go to see the bird feeder(鸟食罐) in the backyard. I don't know how birds can make it on such a snowy day.”

1.Zack gets up at _______ this morning.

A.6:00 B.7:00 C.8:00 D.8:30

2.Zack's mother is sitting in the dining room and _________

A.watching TV B.listening to the radio

C.reading the newspaper D.having breakfast

3.Zack gets up quickly because_________

A.he is very hungry B.he needs to cook breakfast

C.he wants to see his mother D.he thinks he is going to be late for school

4.From the reading we know that        .

A.Jack feels worried about birds B.Jack feels worried about his lessons

C.Jack feels angry with his mother D.Jack doesn’t like to go to school

