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I'm Cherry. I will be a new kind of car in ten years' time. People will drive me at that time. I am very small and I run very fast. I use special things as my power(能量).

I'm Ben. I'm a robot. I will work with my brothers in five years' time. We will do heavy work. We will help people with numbers and bills(账单). People will have more free time. And they will feel easy in the future.

I am Large the Sea. I think I will be very beautiful in twenty years' time. There will be no pollution and everything will be clean around me. People will enjoy their lives very much.

1.Cherry is a kind of ________.

A.fish B.bike C.car D.robot

2.Who will Ben work with in five years' time?

A.His cousins. B.His brothers. C.His friends. D.His sisters.

3.How does Ben think people will feel in the future?

A.Busy. B.Difficult. C.Cool. D.Easy.

4.The underlined word “pollution” here means “________” in Chinese.

A.污染 B.堵塞 C.空间 D.改变

5.What can't we learn from the passage?

A.Cherry runs very fast. B.Cherry uses water as power.

C.Ben will help people with numbers. D.Large the Sea will be beautiful in the future.

