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Have you ever had a childhood hero? I mean a real person that changes the way you think, that influences you to be better at something?1.

Roger is a famous tennis player, in case you have been living under a rock these past fifteen years. He is considered the best tennis player in the history of the sport. And he is still strong. At the ripe old age of 37, he could have easily retired from the sport and lived a comfortable life he wanted.2.For a tennis player, there is no other person worthier of respect and admiration.

You might not agree with me when I say tennis is one of the hardest sports in the world. But hear me out. Physically speaking, there are plenty of sports that are equally as challenging as tennis. Many also require mental strength. 3.  In a singles tennis match, you are alone. For the    whole match, which can last for hours, you have to decide what to do without any outside help.

4. Michael Jordan had teammates and coaches to support him during a game. Usain  Bolt was also alone, but his matches were finished within a minute. So, to be a great singles tennis player, you must be independent, confident about yourself, and calm under pressure - qualities that are very valuable anywhere you go.

5. Next time if got a chance to see Roger Federer defend his title live, I will be there cheering him on. What about you?

A.Let's put it this way.

B.Nothing beats going to a live tennis game.

C.Have you ever dreamed of becoming a hero?

D.Sports do good to physical and mental development.

E.But he has been pushing himself past his own limits.

F.However, few require a combination of the two in a match.

G.Roger Federer was my hero, is my hero, and will be my hero.

