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Some kids may assume that college is very much like their strict high school.But actually there are lots of freedom at college:There's much more latitude(回旋余地,自由)in1.(choose) courses to take,

2.students can focus primarily on subjects that interest them.Their schedule will vary widely, 3.. Some days they may have no4.(course) until noon.Most courses may only meet three times a week.These are interesting details that not every youngster is aware 5..

In addition,students will meet many,many new friends.They'll be in a community,6.almost everyone is roughly the same age.Colleges7.(type) feature scores of clubs,sports,and other activities and thus students aren't 8. (like) to be bored.Instead of being out in the working world,they'll be among new friends,9.(take) many courses that interest them and enjoying a rich10.(society) life.

Another compelling(有强烈吸引力的)point is financial. According to the estimated figures,those who have received a college education will make to one's earning power.Obviously a good job today requires at least a college education.

