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In the Spring and Autumn period (春秋时期), the state of Wu (吴国) and the state of Yue (越国) were neighbors. But there were always wars between them. During a war Wu beat Yue. 

Goujian (勾践), the king of Yue, was caught. Fuchai (夫差), the king of Wu, wanted to make Goujian lose face. He sent Goujian to do some hard work, like feeding horses. Goujian was very angry, but he didn’t say anything. He just did what Fuchai asked him to do. When Fuchai got sick, Goujian looked after him day and night.

Three years later, Fuchai finally let Goujian go back to his own state. After getting home, Goujian began to plan his revenge. Goujian didn’t want to forget his hard time. So he slept on brushwood (柴草) at night and ate gall (胆) every morning. The brushwood was cold and the gall was bitter, just like his days in Wu. Goujian kept asking himself, “Did you forget the past three years?”

Goujian worked hard all the time. He worked with farmers and trained with soldiers. He made his people rich and his state strong. A few years later, Goujian led his army to beat Wu.

It tells us…Never be afraid of failures. If you have a strong will, then you can still be the winner.

1.The story between Fuchai and Goujian mainly tells us that ____________.

A.it was really famous in Chinese history B.Fuchai shouldn’t let Goujian go bacak to his state

C.Goujian was a clever man D.never be afraid of failures

2.How did Fuchai treat Goujian?

A.By making him do easy work. B.By making him do hard work.

C.By making him work with Goujian’s horses. D.By making him train with his soliders.

3.When did Goujian go back to his own state?

A.Two years later. B.Three years later. C.A few years later D.Many years later.

4.The underline word “revenge” means __________ in Chinese.

A.返回 B.报答 C.复仇 D.感谢

5.Why did Goujian sleep on brushwood at night and eat gall every morning?

A.Because he didn’t want to lose face. B.Because he forgot the hard time.

C.Because he didn’t want to say anyting. D.Because he didn’t want to forget the hard time.

