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In the Name of the People, it is a great successful drama 1. is popular with

Chinese people at present. It is the newest TV series which has just been put on 2.last month. It is quite 3.from other popular TV shows.

The series, about China’s anti-corruption campaign(反腐运动), has attracted 4.

of viewers across the country. Some have compared it to the American political drama  House of Cards, which also have been a great 5. .

“This TV show feels so real. It really 6.people up,” one viewer wrote on so-

cial media networkWeibo.” “I am so excited to watch it that my eyes are 7.with

tears.” said another 8. .

Zhou Meisen, the writer of this play, said that he spent several years 9.this

fantastic story. He aimed to show that the good people always 10.the bad guys at

the end of the day.

