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One bright morning, Aunt Maria took the kids to try their new kites. "Will you give my________a lift?” said little John, to his sister, after________without success to make it fly. Lucy picked up the kite and threw it________the air, but the kite fell down again. "Try again, children." Aunt Maria smiled.

Lucy once more________John. This time John ran________more quickly but the kite also fell down as before. “Keep trying, John.” Aunt Maria was calm.

They did, with more care, but a strong wind came________. The kite was blown against some trees and it was stuck(卡住). Aunt Maria came over and said to________, “Let us find a more open space.” “I won't try any more, ” John replied sadly, almost with tears in his eyes. "It is useless, you see. I just________do it. The kite won't fly. ”

“My little man, would you really give up the________after trying several times? Some________shouldn't make us lose our confidence. Come on.”

He did try again and________, for the kite was carried upward(向上)on the wind as light as feather. After enjoying the sight(景象), little John shouted with________. “Look, look, aunt, I did it! The kite is flying!How________it is now!" Aunt Maria smiled, "Dear, remember to try________giving up. You will never know how strong you are until you________trying. Whenever you fail in your trying to do any good thing, let your motto(格言)be—try again.”

1.A.dog B.kite C.T-shirt D.bag

2.A.waiting B.carrying C.putting D.trying

3.A.into B.up C.at D.against

4.A.beat B.saved C.helped D.asked

5.A.very B.so C.much D.quite

6.A.softly B.heavily C.suddenly D.finally

7.A.them B.it C.her D.him

8.A.needn't B.should C.can D.can't

9.A.sport B.housework C.homework D.work

10.A.experiences B.difficulties C.suggestions D.answers

11.A.failed B.won C.succeeded D.flew

12.A.joy B.anger C.dream D.regret

13.A.long B.high C.deep D.light

14.A.as for B.instead of C.thanks to D.according to

15.A.stop B.consider C.keep D.like

