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If you don’t have a meal, do you ever notice yourself starting to get angry very easily? Well, this is often known as being “hangry” or being angry because you are very hungry.

But as it turns out, it’s not just a funny phrase, it is scientifically true! Scientists have found this feeling of anger usually comes from having low glucose(葡萄糖)levels in the bloodstream(血液). Glucose is put into the body after you eat.

The brain also needs this to work correctly. When the glucose in your body is low, the brain sends hormones(激素)to increase the amount of that. This makes it hard for people to control their emotions. The brain even starts to feel like you are dealing with a life-threatening situation if you don’t get enough glucose. Another problem is that the brain will also use neuropeptide(神经肽)to send a message saying you should eat. And this is the same chemical that manages anger.

Amanda Salis, PhD, University of Sydney, says that we may also be able to thank our ancestors(祖先)for our hanger. Salis says that long ago when there was not much food, people had to be aggressive(富于攻击性的)so that they could get enough food to live.

Even now when most people have enough food to eat, there is still that feeling of needing food.

1.What can we learn about “hangry” from the passage?

A.It means being sad. B.It means being angry.

C.It means being hungry. D.It means being angry because of hunger.

2.Hormones can increase the amount of _________ in the body.

A.bloodstream B.neuropeptide C.food D.glucose

3.When is it difficult for one to control his(her)emotion according to this passage?

A.When the glucose in his(her)body is low. B.When the glucose in his(her)body is high.

C.When his(her)brain is working correctly. D.When he(she)eats too much.

4.What can we learn according to Salis?

A.Food is not important.

B.Being hungry is very normal.

C.People get aggressive for much food sometimes.

D.Neuropeptide will send a message once you are angry.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.The Reason of Being “Hangry” B.The Importance of Glucose

C.The Reason of Having Low Glucose D.The Way to Keep Brain Working Correctly

