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Are You Ready, Sam?

The sound of the birds woke me up. Today, I had to give a report about Hawaii (夏威夷)in front of my class. I was really _______ to do it.

At breakfast, I tried to relax, but Mom asked,  “Are you ready, Sam?”

“Yes, ” I answered _______ because I wasn't really.

On the school bus, I talked about baseball with my friend, Billy. It was a great way to get my mind off the _______. But as we got close to the school, I could feel my heart beating fast and my hands sweating(流汗). I _______ this!

As I walked into the classroom, Mrs. Owens was smiling and said hello to me.

“Hi, ” I said and quickly sat in my seat. After we took our spelling test, Mrs. Owens said it was time to _______ our special day. She said, “Sam, you’ll be first.”

I got up slowly, looking at the _______ as I walked to the front of the room. I looked up and found everyone was looking at me. I was too _______ to say anything.

Mrs. Owens came by me, and put her hand on my back. She said to the class, “Sam has worked very hard on his report, and I know it is very _______.” Then she turned to me and asked, “Sam, what did you like best about your report on Hawaii?”

I tried to think about all the fun things I read about surfing, volcanoes(火山), andpineapples, and I started to _______. I told the class about everything I knew. It was fun. It wasn't scary after all. The class clapped(鼓掌) when I finished and Mrs. Owens was smiling. I felt so ________ at that moment.

1.A.ready B.glad C.afraid D.interested

2.A.happily B.quietly C.clearly D.immediately

3.A.report B.food C.game D.class

4.A.needed B.forgot C.hated D.accepted

5.A.miss B.begin C.choose D.remember

6.A.wall B.blackboard C.clock D.floor

7.A.nervous B.confident C.excited D.bored

8.A.difficult B.serious C.interesting D.helpful

9.A.look B.talk C.smile D.read

10.A.tired B.worried C.hopeful D.proud

