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All through our life, we are learning new things all the time. When we learn something new, it is important to be _______ and understand that only practice makes perfect and that it takes time and effort. This is _______ for sports, school subjects, and of course language learning. When we are small, we don't think about the _______ of learning something new. We just go right ahead and do it, sometimes with funny results. One _______ is when I was learning to paint. I was so careless that the paint got everywhere. But _______ getting angry, everyone was patient with me, _______ me and showing me how to hold the brush. After some time, I was able to paint _______.

This is an important _______ to learn when we learn another language. Many people _______ need one language, because their friends and family speak the same language. As a ________, when these people try to learn a new language, it is often more difficult for a number of ________. First? they have no chance to ________ with the native speakers. And this will surely ________ he pace(speed) at which the language can be learned,  because we all know the best way to learn a new language is to ________ yourself into a real atmosphere. Second, it is easier for the learners to lose interest because they have less chance to see their ________. Without this ability to see how much improvement has taken place, it is ________ for the learners to keep confident and interested.

It is ________ to learn something slowly, and then move at a pace which is ________ for the learner than to rush into learning too fast. It is a ________ I try to follow in my own teaching, and I hope my students will benefit(受益) from a teaching method which ________ them to learn at their own speed.

1.A.careful B.excited C.patient D.honest

2.A.true B.funny C.simple D.different

3.A.pleasure B.importance C.advantage D.difficulty

4.A.suggestion B.question C.example D.idea

5.A.instead of B.because of C.except for D.along with

6.A.promising B.encouraging C.answering D.ordering

7.A.naturally B.suddenly C.properly D.probably

8.A.skill B.style C.task D.lesson

9.A.only B.still C.even D.already

10.A.part B.matter C.result D.beginning

11.A.doubts B.problems C.reasons D.means

12.A.communicate B.work C.agree D.study

13.A.keep up B.build up C.slow down D.turn down

14.A.imagine B.change C.transform D.put

15.A.progress B.ability C.future D.influence

16.A.easy B.hard C.possible D.necessary

17.A.better B.harder C.friendlier D.worse

18.A.special B.useful C.harmful D.suitable

19.A.hobby B.decision C.rule D.job

20.A.forces B.enables C.teaches D.advises

