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You may love going to the beach, having fun in the waves,surfing and enjoying the sun and the sand. But what do you know about beaches?

1. (actual), a beach is made up of small loose rocks, 2. turn into sand and they all get together at the shore of a body of water. But how are they made? Well, they 3. (create) by waves or currents (洋流). A current is like a large river inside the ocean that often 4. (flow) from one place to the next. These currents are caused by changes in temperature as well as the wind.

The shape of the beach depends on how the waves move around. Some waves move things up the beach and others move things down the beach. On  5. (sand) beaches, the waves move sand away from the beach, 6. (make) gentle slopes (斜坡). If a wave is not strong enough 7. (move) sand away, you will get a steeper beach.

Today, with the 8. (appear) of beach towns, more and more people prefer to spend their holidays on the beach. If you want to have 9. wonderful time at the beach, then look for a beach that has a Blue Flag status because it is usually safe and has a high standard 10. water quality.

