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In 2010 I left the United States for the first time to fly over 9,000 miles to Uganda, a country in recovery from civil war. I was going there to help the local kids learn soccer.

As I played soccer with some kids, the sun burned my skin. I took many breaks to drink from my water bottle before realizing I was the only one who did that. All the energetic children running around never stopped to get water. After looking around, I realized there was NOWHERE for them to get water, and there was no well or water pump in sight.

I asked a man who was traveling with us why the kids didn’t ever stop to drink water. He told me that they would have to walk all the way to the pump in the next village and they didn’t want to miss out on playing soccer with a real ball. The kids seemed happy but it was not fair that to get a drink of water meant they would miss out on such a rare occurrence of playing with an actual soccer ball.

When I got home, I spoke with other people about kids in Uganda. They told me to do something to help them. That sounded like a great idea, but how? I spoke with my friends about helping kids in Uganda. We decided that we could try to solve their most urgent problem—water. And we decided to organize soccer camps to collect money.

It has been three years since our first camp and we have successfully run two more and funded two water filtration (净化) systems as well as 60 water pumps for farmers. We have been able to improve the health of thousands of Ugandans.

1.The kids didn’t drink water while playing soccer, because ______.

A. they didn’t feel thirsty at all

B. they couldn’t get any nearby

C. they were too poor to afford bottled water

D. they were not allowed to drink water during the play

2.How did the author most probably respond after hearing that man’s explanation?

A. She was unwilling to stay there anymore.

B. She decided to buy water for the kids at once.

C. She felt very proud of her own life.

D. She felt very sad for the kids.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. We should fully enjoy what we have.

B. We can make a difference to others’ life.

C. We should be grateful for what we receive.

D. We can change our lives through hard work.

