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I was driving on the freeway when I noticed heavy clouds roll in. A storm was coming. Glancing at the boxes of _______in the back seat, 1 smiled to myself. The rain began beating _______against my car window, making driving impossible. I _______onto the shoulder of the road and stopped. The rain _______me of Hurricane (飓风) Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina struck when I was nine years old. I had _______it would strike us in Houston. It missed us, _______other cities were not so lucky. I remembered watching the _______. A reporter stood inside the Houston Astrodome (体育馆), _______people. Many wore dirty and _______ clothes, and some had no shoes on their feet. I noticed a little boy behind the reporter ________an old teddy bear. Watching him, I knew I had to do ________.

The next day, my friends ________me at our volunteer club and we came up with a plan. We wanted to ________toys and give them to the kids at the Astrodome, which would bring some ________into the lives of these families. We ________the word to our schools and other organizations. Three days later, the donation bins were overflowing with new toys! When we ________the Astrodome with our gifts, children ________toward us from all directions, smiles lighting up their faces.

BZZZZ. My cell phone brought me back to the present. To my joy, the storm had ________. “Hector. We have more ________of yesterday’s tornado.” “Well, I’ve brought clothes I’d like to donate to them. The ________ delayed me, but I’ll be there soon!” I eased my car into the suddenly busy traffic. It felt good to know that I was making a difference again.

1.A.toys B.clothes C.gifts D.shoes

2.A.gently B.lazily C.merrily D.heavily

3.A.looked out B.set out C.pulled off D.got off

4.A.warned B.informed C.reminded D.convinced

5.A.worried B.prayed C.confirmed D.doubted

6.A.and B.so C.or D.but

7.A.news B.show C.game D.performance

8.A.observing B.entertaining C.challenging D.interviewing

9.A.cheap B.worn C.athletic D.funny

10.A.hugging B.kicking C.selling D.throwing

11.A.nothing B.everything C.anything D.something

12.A.greeted B.joined C.bothered D.annoyed

13.A.invent B.select C.collect D.produce

14.A.freedom B.happiness C.motivation D.belief

15.A.recited B.exposed C.whispered D.spread

16.A.left B.decorated C.entered D.measured

17.A.flew B.stole C.marched D.wandered

18.A.struck B.passed C.strengthened D.approached

19.A.reports B.clues C.victims D.photos

20.A.storm B.traffic C.kid D.call

