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Xi’an celebrates the first-ever China Hanfu Day on April 18. There were catwalk shows and traditional music concerts held by people wearing traditional Chinese clothing. Hanfu fans from all over China gathered there to take photos and put them online for a Hanfu photo competition, which lasted until May 18.

The national holiday is on the third day of the third month of the Chinese lunar calendar as China Hanfu Day, which is said to be the birthday of the Yellow Emperor (黄帝). In ancient China, this day was also known as Shangsi Festival (上巳节). It is organized by the central Committee of the Communist Young League (CCCYL,中央共青团)in cooperation (合作)with anime video site bilibili. com. Its purpose is to encourage young Chinese to take pride in traditional clothing, as well as classic Chinese culture.

Hanfu is the traditional clothing of the Han people who lived in China before the Qing Dynasty. It has been around for about 3,000 years and changed greatly across different dynasties. However, some of its major characteristics have remained. One characteristic is the appearance of the front of the clothing. There are two parts that overlap (交叠) on the front, which is called “jiao ling (crossing collar)”. Another major characteristic of Hanfu is that it usually uses ribbons(系带) instead of buttons (扣子), sometimes decorated with a few buttons.

“China is becoming a leading power in the world, and the Chinese public feels more confident about its traditional culture,”Chen Chuyu, leader of a Beijing-based hanfu institution, told People’s Daily Online. “Wearing traditional clothing might be an interesting way of showing how they feel about this.”

1.Hanfu fans from all over China take photos and put them online because ______.

A.they were proud of Chinese culture B.they wanted to win the Hanfu photo competition

C.they wanted to go back to the Han Dynasty D.they wanted to try the clothes from the Han Dynasty

2.How long did the Hanfu photo competition last?

A.About 18 days B.About a month C.About 3,000 years D.About two months

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A.The characteristics of Hanfu B.The history of Hanfu

C.Introduction of Hanfu D.The changes of Hanfu

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The Hanfu Day was supported by anime video site bilibili.com.

B.The day was celebrated to encourage Chinese to be proud of Chinese culture.

C.Hanfu is different from the common clothes today.

D.Hanfu remains almost the same as in the Han Dynasty.

5.Where can we probably read the passage?

A.In a science book B.In a history book C.In an online advertisement D.In a magazine

