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Exciting screams of joy from two happy little girls rang across the beach. But I walked along, barely aware of them. I’d come to this remote beach on my sailboat, a place to escape. My marriage was in trouble. I worried about the harm to my two boys. But I didn't know how to make things better.

“Help! Help!” The girls screamed. I saw one girl was at the edge of the surf, yelling. I charged into the waves, swam to her and seized her. “But where is the other girl?” I looked across the water and saw a small head after a big wave. I shifted the girl I'd rescued to my back. She told me the other girl was her sister. For a moment I thought of my boys. How much they loved each other? How much I loved them?

I quickened my swimming and held the second little girl. We were at least 50 yards from land. No way could I swim that far, not with two girls hanging on to me. But there was no time to wait. I swam as hard as I could, but the weight of the girls grew heavier with every minute. My lungs burned. I opened my mouth to take a breath but instead swallowed water. I choked. Couldn't breathe. Couldn't swim. From behind me I felt an unbelievable force, lifting.

“Mommy!” The cry pierced my consciousness (意识). I looked up. An elderly man was trying to drag me out of the water. Two women were swimming toward shore. “Thank you,” one of the women cried. “You saved my daughters.” My efforts and my struggles had paid off. I thought of that big wave, lifting me and pushing me. When my body had failed me, and when all hope was disappearing, I was given the strength I needed.

I stood up. My family were waiting for me. There were things I could do. I just needed to make an effort. The strength would be given to me.

1.Why did the author turn a deaf ear to the laughter of the two girls?

A.Because the sound of sea waves was too big.

B.Because he was trapped in his own problems.

C.Because he couldn't wait to go sailing.

D.Because he was lost in missing his wife.

2.What happened to the author during the rescue?

A.He got his spirits from God.

B.He was swallowed by the wave.

C.He managed to swim to the shore.

D.He lost his breath after swallowing water.

3.What might the author do after the accident?

A.Save his marriage.

B.Apologize to his wife.

C.Rebuild a family.

D.Focus on his boys' safety.

4.Which can serve as the best title of the passage?

A.Efforts to Save the Family.

B.Struggles to Fight Sea Waves.

C.The Adventurous Surfing.

D.The Magical Wave.

