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On the third Sunday of June every year, we admire(钦佩) the person in our lives who taught you how to ride your bike or read a book and who offers helps to the whole family. Yes, I mean dad, daddy, father. Father’s Day is the time to show him thanks for everything he does for you.

Oh! Write me a song of my father. And tell me the reason. You ever write songs about mother. Not a word of dear father you say? These words from C. Henry’s song, Oh! Write Me a Song of My Father, have been written by Sonora Dodd, a young girl who, along with her five younger brothers, was raised by her father.

On a Mother’s Day, Sonora spoke to the government and suggested(建议) her own father’s birthday, of June 5, as the day to thank fathers. The government chose the third Sunday in June instead and the very first Father’s day was celebrated on June 19, 1910 in Spokane Washington.

It took some time before Father’s Day became the national holiday we know today. At the time, people disagree with the idea of this holiday because they didn’t like the idea that men would get flowers and other gifts. Finally, President Lyndon B. Johnson made the decision(决定) that the third Sunday of June would be Father’s Day.

1.Who do we show our thanks on the third Sunday of June?

A. Fathers B. Mothers C. Teachers D. Children.

2.From the passage, We can learn _________.

A. Sonora Dodd wrote a song for her mother B. the first Father’s Day began in Europe

C. Father’s Day is on Sonora’s dad’s birthday D. the first Father’s Day began in the USA

3.How many children did Sonora Dodd's father have?

A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven.

