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The United States Department of Agriculture has a program called Wildlife Services.Its job is to help protect agriculture and other resources from threats and damage by wildlife.Often that means helping farmers deal with unwelcome visitors.This organization has experts from different fields and it has set up thousands of inquiry agencies all over the country where farmers can explain their difficulty and get practical help.

One example from Wildlife Services of its work involved a farmer in Washington State,in the Pacific Northwest.Several years ago,thousands of Canada geese landed on his fields.The geese began to eat his carrot crop.Biologists from the program suggested that the farmer use noise-making devices and other measures to scare the large birds away.These efforts apparently succeeded,which made the farmer quite happy.

Wildlife Services also has a livestock(牲畜)protection program.The program just offers suggestions to keep those unwelcome visitors away instead of killing them.Experts suggest providing secure shelter for chickens,sheep and other animals that could be attacked.They also suggest using lights above places where animals are kept.And they advise people who see coyotes around their property to chase them away by shouting,making loud noises or throwing rocks.For home gardeners,a two-meter fence might help keep out deer.To keep out rabbits,a wire fence has to be only about a half-meter high.It should extend fifteen centimeters underground to keep rabbits from digging under it.If snakes are a problem,remove dead trees and cut high grass to destroy their hiding places.And to protect livestock,consider using guard animals such as dogs and donkeys,which are very effective.Due to its effective work,ever since the Wildlife Services was started,it has been well received by farmers all over the States and neighboring countries such as Canada and Mexico.

1.The underlined phrase “unwelcome visitors” in the first paragraph refers to   .

A. animals that attack the farmers

B. people who don’t care about wildlife

C. animals that do harm to the crops or livestock

D. people who pollute the environment of the farms

2.It can be inferred from the second paragraph that   .

A. the farmer didn’t have a gun to kill those Canada geese

B. Wildlife Services involves some biologists in its group

C. the carrot crop was eaten up by the Canada geese

D. the farmers like to eat Canada geese very much

3.What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?

A. Ways to protect livestock.   B. Ways to deal with coyotes.

C. How to protect crops.   D. How to find wildlife.

4.How is the program getting along?

A. It remains to be improved.

B. It is very popular among experts.

C. It is well received by the local government.

D. Farmers in the U.S.,Canada and Mexico think it effective.

