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Mrs Wilson 1.(invite)some friends for lunch.She was eager to try a new way of 2.(cook) a fish dish,and she was very pleased with 3.(her)  when the dish was ready.Because the dish was hot,she put it near the window to cool it for a few minutes.When she came back for it,she was surprised 4. (find)the neighbour's cat by the dish. 5. (fortunate),she came in time to stop the cat.That afternoon was 6. great success and they talked and laughed till four o'clock.At the end of the afternoon,when she was alone again,she felt tired 7.happy.She was sitting near the window when she was 8. (frighten) to see her neighbour carrying the cat, 9. (die).What happened to her friends?Just after she had told each of her visitors to see a doctor,the telephone rang. 10. was her neighbour.“My cat was killed by a car.”

