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My brother      a sports fan . He likes      every kind of games .He likes basketball ,football , tennis ,badminton      swimming .And he is good at      football .Yang Chen is      favorite football player .My brother is      the Football Club .When he      shopping ,he always      newspapers about sports and he often      sports news .

His school is very big and      .There     a football playground (操场)and a swimming pool in his school .He usually plays football     is friends after school .He wants to    a football player when he brows up (长大).My brother often goes to watch the football matches      the weekend .He      want to miss(错过)any match .

1.A. be         B. are        C. is        D. does

2.A. watching      B. watched     C. watch      D. watches

3.A. or         B. but        C. and       D. so

4.A. play         B. plays       C. to play     D. playing

5.A. his         B. him        C. hims       D. he

6.A. in         B. of         C. on        D. at

7.A. go         B. going       C. goes       D. 不填

8.A. buys        B. to buy      C. buy       D. buying

9.A. watch        B. is watch     C. is watches   D. watches

10.A. beautiful     B. relaxing     C. fun       D. difficult

11.A. is         B. are        C. be        D. has

12.A. of         B. about       C. with       D. and

13.A. being       B. make       C. becoming    D. be

14.A. on         B. to          C. of        D. about

15.A. does        B. doesn’t     C. don’t     D. do

