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We all know the benefits of regular physical activity. But about 80 percent of people don’t take exercise  every day. Even some say they don’t enjoy exercise.1.Here are some tips.

Find an exercise that best fits your personality. 2.  Take  a group exercise class, join a football team  or walk with a group of friends. If you prefer having time alone, jogging or yoga will be better fit for you.

Make it a habit. It can take a little while for something to become a habit.3. One way  is to  try to  exercise around the same time each day. “Exercise can become addictive in a positive way,” said Dr. Carnethon, who is also an American Heart Association Volunteer.

4. There  are  many ways to fit exercise into your life. You  can find some exercise videos online. Do  weight training with things around your home. Take a brief walk after lunch. And if you go to school or work by bus, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.

Keep going. If you miss a day,  don’t worry about it.5.  Just make sure you get back the next day. It’s   easy to make something a habit again. You will see the same benefits. And any little bit you can fit in will show benefits.

A. Build exercise into your lifestyle.

B. Everybody struggles once in a while.

C. So how can you make an exercise pleasant?

D. Break up your physical activity into smaller parts.

E. Therefore, give yourself the time to create a regular routine.

F. If you are a social person, do something that attracts you socially.

G. Finding a peer group is the perfect way to share your goals, and hobbies.

