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Nicholas is a 16-year-old boy. He has a sister called Iris. She is two years older than him. Now they are visiting a few cities in Australia with their parents.

First they visit Sydney. They see many places, like the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. They can climb both buildings!

Nicholas and Iris want to go surfing. They take a taxi to the famous Bondi Beach. It is a beautiful city beach and has good surf. They love it!

The next day iris wants to go to the Museum of Modern Art. Nicholas doesn’t like modern art. He goes to the Australian Museum with his mum. His father stays in the hotel to cook delicious food for them. They have a wonderful trip in Australia.

1.How old is iris?

A. Fourteen years old. B. Sixteen years old.

C. Eighteen years old. D. Twenty years old.

2.Where are Nicholas and his family now?

A. In Australia. B. In France. C. In America. D. In Britain.

3.Why do Nicholas and Iris go to the Bondi Beach?

A. To meet friends. B. To learn to fish. C. To go swimming. D. To go surfing.

4.How do Nicholas and Iris go to the Bondi Beach?

A. By train. B. By taxi. C. By ship. D. By bike.

5.Where does Nicholas go the next day?

A. The Bondi Beach. B. The museum of Modern Art

C. The Australian Museum. D. The Opera House.

