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Cram school are popular in Japan. There are more than 50,000 cram schools in Japan, according to the Economist. Many Japanese students attend 90-minute classes twice a week, the New York Times reported.

The US

Most US kids join in activities after school. These activities are designed to meet children’s personal interests. Kids from the ages of 6 to 17 typically attend at least one after-school activity. Sports are the most popular after-school activity. Other activities include music, drama and cultural activities.


Finnish students can relax after school. They don’t need to do a lot of homework. Students only spend 2.8 hours on homework per week, the BBC reported.

Instead, they prefer to join clubs where they can learn about things they like, such as painting or dancing.

1.There are more than ______ cram schools in Japan.

2.Many Japanese students attend 90-minute classes ______.

3.In the US, ________ are the most popular after-school activity.

4.In Finland, students don’t need to ________ after school.

5.Finnish students like to ________ where they can learn about things they like.

