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Everybody is afraid of something, whether they admit it or not. Many spend their whole lives hiding from the things they are afraid of. 1. Here are some steps you can take to do so.

Try to get support. 2. But if you walk through a dark place with a group of friends, it doesn’t seem that bad, right? Talk to someone about your fears. Find someone who will be supportive and understanding of your situation and would be willing to help you fight the fear.

Create a safe daily routine (常规). You have to be put in a situation where you feel safe from the source of that fear. Create a daily routine that you are familiar with and are comfortable with. Going through activities that you know are free from the things you fear gives you a sense of balance and control. 3.

Learn to relax. Fear is basically psychological. To get over your fear, you have to learn how to take control. 4. You can go for breathing exercises, yoga and whatever methods you think work for you.

5. Except for some fears that are life-threatening, finally you’ll know that you will come to meet your fear directly and have to deal with it. Knowing this, you have to take the steps to prepare yourself for that day and remember that you are in control of your life. No fear can ever beat you unless you allow it.

A. Just face it.

B. Hold a strong belief.

C. It’s scarier when you are all alone walking in the dark.

D. To do this, you have to be familiar with some ways to relax.

E. But no one should live in fear as there are ways to get over it.

F. Find someone you can trust, someone you can be totally honest with.

G. This state of being in a relaxed environment helps you find out why you’re afraid of something

