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My first memories of acts of kindness are from when I was about 12 years old. When I found people in trouble, I always _____ them with whatever they needed as soon as possible.

At that time, I noticed that many ______ people had difficulty going to the shopping mall after heavy snow. I would spend part of a _____ Saturday knocking on my elderly neighbor’s apartment doors to ask if they ______ anything from the mall. The mall was down a huge hill and I would bring back a couple of bags of necessities (必需品) for them every time. I liked it and it made them so _____, too.

My friends asked me ______ I was doing and after some time some of them joined in and it became a ______ as time went by. I ______ asked for money for these, but sometimes the old ladies would _______ some in my pocket without telling me. The next time I would buy some flowers or cards for them.

When I went to college, many of these people would ask my mother about me, ______ my mother didn’t always know who they were. I had never told her about what I _____ to do for these people. And then she knew it through the _____ between these people and her. I started helping others when I was 12 and it has ______ until today. Now I’m a teacher and teaching my students the art of true ______. At first I wrote this for my diary, but my mother said why not share it with _____. I hope this inspires (激励) younger people and the older ones as well.

1.A. offered B. helped C. cared D. gave

2.A. disabled B. sick C. lazy D. old

3.A. snowy B. fine C. free D. busy

4.A. had B. needed C. got D. took

5.A. pleased B. relaxed C. surprised D. bored

6.A. whether B. when C. why D. what

7.A. case B. hobby C. tradition D. custom

8.A. never B. usually C. always D. sometimes

9.A. put B. use C. find D. save

10.A. so B. as C. but D. or

11.A. planned B. used C. remembered D. learned

12.A. speeches B. discussions C. sentences D. conversations

13.A. stopped B. finished C. continued D. kept

14.A. culture B. kindness C. love D. stress

15.A. others B. friends C. strangers D. mothers

