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A famous actor—Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro is an American actor. He’s acted in a lot of famous films. He is one of the greatest actors in film history.

Robert De Niro was born (出生) in 1943 in New York City. He left high school at the age of sixteen. He wanted to have a career (职业)in acting. He dreamed of appearing in Hollywood films.

His first major film role came in 1973. It was in the film Bang the Drum Slowly. Later, he got a role in the film The Godfather Part II. He won his first Oscar (奥斯卡金像奖)for this role. After this, he got many other important film roles.

On his way to career success, he became good friends with a director Martin Scorsese. They began to work together often. Their first film together was Mean Streets in 1973. It was a big success. In 1980,he acted in the film Raging Bull. Scorsese was the director again. And for this role, Robert De Niro won his second Oscar.

His acting career continued. In 1990s,2000s and 2010s, he kept acting in a lot of films.

1.When did Robert De Niro leave high school?

A.In 1943. B.In 1946. C.In 1959. D.In 1963.

2.Robert De Niro's first major film role was in________.

A.Raging Bull B.Mean Streets

C.Bang the Drum Slowly D.The Godfather Part II

3.What do Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese have in common?

A.They are both successful.

B.They were born in the same year.

C.They are both friends of a famous director.

D.They shared the same dream when they were small.

4.What does the underlined word “continued” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?

A.浪费 B.消失 C.改善 D.继续

5.The writer writes this passage to_____.

A.show what a good friend is like

B.tell the life story of Robert De Niro

C.teach others how to be a good actor

D.ask people to see Robert De Niro’s films

