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Since the age of three, Chelsie Hill had dreamed of becoming a dancer. That dream nearly ended one night in 2010. Hill was in a car accident that put her in hospital for 51 days and left her

paralyzed (瘫痪). For most people, that would have destroyed any hope of a dancing career. For Hill, it was the beginning. Far from being a difficult, her wheelchair encouraged her to think a lot of her life and she wanted to prove that she was sill "normal".

"Normal" for her meant dancing. With half of her body taken away, Hill had to move it with hands. It took a lot of learning and patience, but she still made it in her wheelchair with her non-disabled high school dance team.

After graduation from high school in California, Hill wanted to expand (扩展) her dance network to include women like her. She met online the women who had suffered various back injuries but shared the same determination with her.

Hoping to reach more people in a larger city and break down the false belief of wheelchair users, Hill moved to Los Angeles in 2014, formed a team of dancers with disabilities and named it the Rollettes. As she always believes, dancing on wheels can be just as good as foot-based dance.

In disabled dance competitions, all dancers from her team gave great performances and they were having fun. And the audience's cheers, whistles and applause (掌声) suggested that the fun was spreading.

Hill has achieved what many of us never will: her childhood dream. But the Rollettes has helped her find something else just as satisfying. Every year she holds a dance camp, the Rollettes Experience for wheelchair users of all ages to help them find their inner heroines (女英雄). In 2019. over 173 women from ten countries attended the Rolettes Experience. For most of these women, it was the first time they had felt they belonged .Edna Serrano told a reporter that being part of the Rollettes team challenged her to be more independent. “It even gives me the courage to take up driving." she said.

1.After the car accident, Hill     .

A.left the school dance team

B.went back to her normal life

C.had a deep thought of her life

D.dreamed of becoming a dancer

2.What can be inferred about the Rollettes?

A.It was founded in Hill's hometown.

B.It helped many disabled people like Hill.

C.It included normal and disabled dancers.

D.It aimed to take part in dance competitions.

3.Why does Hill hold the Rollettes Experience every year?

A.To realize her childhood dream.

B.To encourage the disabled to drive.

C.To become the heroine of wheelchair dancers.

D.To build confidence in more wheelchair users.

4.Which words best describe Hill?

A.Smart and skillful.

B.Honest and patient.

C.Brave and powerful.

D.Caring and determined.

5.What is the best title for the text?

A.Dancing in Wheelchairs

B.An Amazing Experience

C.Dancing for the Disabled

D.The History of the Rollettes

