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You know, it has never been easier to make a short video. Today almost every smart phone has a ______. And with free apps like Douyin, you can ______ share your videos or broadcast live (直播). And probably you’ll soon have many fans.

However, one popular online broadcaster was recently taken away by the ______. Why? During one of her broadcasts, she made fun of China’s national anthem (国歌). Perhaps she only wanted to entertain (娱乐) her fans, ______ she broke the law.

The Internet has brought a lot of fun to our lives, so it’s ______ to stop using it. However, when we are on the Internet, we may ______ that our behavior can also have real-life results. It's clear that posting something improper, even if in the form of entertainment, is ______ the law. Some companies will even check your online posts when you are finding a job ______ they decide whether to accept you or not. Who will want a rude person?

No matter where you are, you must know about the law. Ask ______ what results your actions may have. You must make sure what you ______ is OK. Think twice before you click the “share” or “broadcast” button.  Maybe no one is watching you, but you are responsible(负责的)for what you post!

1.A. fax B. camera C. battery

2.A. terribly B. hardly C. easily

3.A. host B. police C. journalist

4.A. but B. so C. or

5.A. exciting B. necessary C. hard

6.A. explain B. forget C. doubt

7.A. against B. from C. under

8.A. since B. after C. before

9.A. myself B. yourself C. himself

10.A. spread B. buy C. compare

