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A big wildfire(野火)broke out in California, America on December 4, 2017. The fire lasted for a number of days and made thousands of people lose their home. It's one of the largest wildfires in California’s  history.   Recently, a video about a man saving a rabbit from the wild fire went popular on the Internet. Caleb Wadman, 21 years old, told us his amazing story .Caleb was driving on the road when he saw a small rabbit was in danger. The fire made the rabbit quite scared. Caleb saved it and took it to hospital .I was going crazy because the rabbit was crying. It was so hot when I tried to saved .but I knew I must do it. Caleb said to us.Later on Monday, December 11, Caleb's mother watched the video. “I just wanted to cry. I thought that was very kind of him, but then I realized( IR))how close he was to the fire”In fact, Caleb didn’t advise people to put their lives at risk. But for himself, if it happened again, he would still make the same decision.As for the rabbit, although it hurt its ears and feet in the fire, it was improving day by day.


1.What went popular recently online?

A. wildlife B. A video C. An animal D. A road

2.Caleb’s mother watched the video

A. on December 4th B. on the weekend

C. a week after the wildfire broke out D. when her son was in a fire

3.When Caleb saved the rabbit, it was_______

Crying   hurt in the ears   ③ lying on the ground   ④scared

A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ②③④ D. ①③④

4.Why did Caleb's mother cry

A. Because her son went to the hospital

B. Because her son put his life at risk.

C. Because the rabbit hurt itself in the fire.

D. Because the wildfire was scary for her.

5.What,s the passage mainly about?

A. Peoples hard work in putting out the fire.

B. A rabbit,s experience to run away from the fire.

C. The situation about a big wildfire in California

D. A young mans action of saving a rabbit in the fire.

