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Once,there was a boy named Tim.He didn't like to study.Instead, he likes to play jokes on others. His mom wanted him to drop his bad habits.So one day,she took Tim to the garden.

"Tim, I planted this flower here yesterday, can you pull it out(拔出)"?she asked.

"it's a piece of cake, Mom."

Tim put the flower between his fingers and pulled it out easily. Then, his mom asked him to pull out a plant that was much bigger.The boy pulled hard and finally,he pulled it out.

"Now try this one."said the mother ,pointing at a all tree. Tim put his arms around the tree and tried to pull it out.Of course,it didn't move."It's impossible,"Tim said."It's too big now."

"So it's with your bad habits. "said his mom. When they are young. it is easy to pull hem out. But when they grow up,you can't drop them.So you should drop your bad habits as soon as possible."

1.Why did Tim' s  mom take him to the garden?(不超过10 个词)


2.What did Tim think of pulling out the flower?(不超过10 个词)


3.What does the story tell us??(不超过15 个词


