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Few children grow up without knowing or having a toy bear,but 1.

How do bears get food? Some large bears have claws (瓜子) about five inches long. They use the claws to dig up roots (根)and catch fish.In the snow a polar bear(北极熊)sometimes puts its white claws over its nose and mouth.In this way,2..Then it can get those animals for dinner easily.

3. Most bears eat roots and leaves of plants.4..Polar bears like eating meat from seals (海豹).

What do you know about baby bears? Black bears like sleeping in winter.And baby bears are usually born then.The babies are only a few hundred grams(克)at birth.5.A week later the babies can open their eyes.And when spring comes they are big enough to go up to trees for fun!

A.Some bears also eat meat when they can get it easily.

B.it isn't easy for other small animals to find it.

C.how much do you know about bears' life?

D.how much do you know about bears' eating habits?

E.But they grow quickly.

F.it is easy for other small animals to find it.

G.What do bears eat?

A.Some bears also eat meat when they can get it easily.

B.it isn't easy for other small animals to find it.

C.how much do you know about bears' life?

D.how much do you know about bears' eating habits?

E.But they grow quickly.

F.it is easy for other small animals to find it.

G.What do bears eat?

