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We all know China is a nation with a very long history and ancient culture. Its people are known as the most hospitable people in the world. If you visit a Chinese family, you will be surprised at the warmth that you receive as a guest.

Firstly, you will feel comfortable with their greetings. For example, “Are you busy these days?”, “How are things going on with you?”, “How’s your trip here?” etc. Then they will serve you with tea and snacks. The host, one of the family members, will usually chat with you in order to make you feel important.

At the same time, the hostess(女主人) and other family members will cook a big dinner for you. They always prepare more food than you can eat. During the meal, the guest must be the first one to pick up the food. The host will pick food for the guest, which is impolite in the west. But this is a very Chinese way to show their warmth.

After the meal, they will go on chatting again with tea and snacks. In the end, when you’re about to leave, they will ask you to stay longer again and again. A perfect entertainment(招待) will be over by the whole family seeing you off.

Being warm has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition. As Confucius(孔子) said thousands of years ago: isn’t it also great when friends visit from distant(遥远的) places?


1.The underlined word “hospitable” means ________ in Chinese.

A. 朴实的 B. 好客的 C. 医疗的

2.As a guest in a Chinese family, you are usually offered ________ by the host.

A. tea and snacks B. fruit and vegetables C. juice and snacks

3.The thing that Chinese family do for their guest is ________.

A. making the guest become one of the family members

B. making the guest feel at home

C. showing the guest how rich they are

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. The hostess usually chats with the guest, and the host will cook a big dinner in a Chinese family.

B. It is impolite to pick food for the guest in the west.

C. When the guest wants to leave, the Chinese also show their warmth.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A. China’s history.

B. Chinese culture and tradition.

C. Foreigners’ surprise.

