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An App for Parking

Is it very difficult for you to park your car when you go out? Don’t worry. Parking Insider can help you.

Parking Insider is a smart app with a mobile wallet. You can use it to help you park your car quickly and pay for the parking in a really short time. The app also invites users to earn free minutes of parking by taking pictures of free parking spaces. The app uses the photos to make a heat map. The map lets other users find open parking spaces more easily. If you want to use the app, you should be one of the clients(客户) of Deutsche Bank. As a client of Deutsche Bank, you can have an account to pay for your parking through the app. You’d also need to drive Mercedes-Benz, a smart car or other Daimler products. To give better service, the makers of the app are trying hard to be partners with other banks and car companies.

The app is very popular now, but it has to face plenty of competitions. Cities are making their own parking and paying apps. There are a number of companies already focusing on the issue, too, including Park Now and PayByPhone.

1.What is the Parking Insider?

A. It’s a car company. B. It’s a mobile wallet.

C. It’s a smart app. D. It’s a bank card.

2.What does the Parking Insider use pictures from users to do?

A. To earn free minutes of parking. B. To give users better service.

C. To make a map which helps users’ parking. D. To pay for the parking through the app.

3.What should you have if you want to use Parking Insider?

A. A map with pictures. B. Some pictures of free parking spaces.

C. A new car made in America. D. An account at Deutsche Bank.

4.What does the underlined word “issue” refer to?

A. Face plenty of competitions. B. Cities make parking and paying apps.

C. Try to be partners with banks. D. Help peoples’ parking with an app.

5.Where can you probably read the passage?

A. In a history book. B. On a website of science.

C. In a newspaper for students. D. In a book about singers.

