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It’s a sad story: someone keeps failing an exam for four years. It’s the story of Torobo, a robot from Japan.

Torobo has been trying to enter the University of Tokyo in Japan. The university, also called Todai, is one of Asia’s top universities. Since 2013, Torobo has taken the national college entrance exam with other Japanese students. However, the robot has failed to get the required (必需的) score for Todai every year. This year was no exception.

Torobo is part of a project called “Can a Robot Get into the University of Tokyo?” Japan’s National Institute of Informatics started the project in 2011. Torobo does not walk around. It is a robot brain that has arms to complete the test.

Researchers of the project want to find out what intellectual abilities (智能) will be replaced by machines. Results show that Torobo has grown in ability year by year. This year it got a score higher than Japan’s national average(平均分), which is enough to enter other good universities, but not Todai. With its big database, Torobo is good at solving knowledge-based questions and mathematical calculations (数学运算). That’s why it got good scores in physics, history and math. But Torobo has a hard time thinking independently (独立地). As a result, it got weak scores in language and writing.

Luckily, after four years of suffering, researchers have decided to free Torobo from taking the test. They will grow Torobo’s ability in the fields it’s doing well in, so that it can be used in those industries(工业) in the future.

So while Torobo will never graduate from Todai, it can still look forward to a bright future!

1.According to the story, Torobo is _____ while Todai is _____.

A. a university, a robot B. a robot, a university

C. a student, a computer D. a computer, a student

2.We can tell from the story that Torobo _____ for four years.

A. has taken the college entrance exam

B. has failed the college entrance exam

C. has been studying in the University of Tokyo

D. has taught the college courses

3.Why did Torobo get low scores in two subjects?

A. Because it cannot solve knowledge-based problems.

B. Because it is not good at mathematical calculations.

C. Because it cannot think independently.

D. Because it only has arms to complete the test.

4.Which of the following is TRUE about Torobo?

A. Torobo can’t have a bright future because it will never graduate from Todai.

B. Torobo will go on taking the college entrance exam.

C. Torobo is useless to humans.

D. Torobo’s ability in the fields it’s doing well in will be better in the future.

