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Bill is a student. He is twelve. He lives with his father, mother and little sister in New York now. He likes to fly kites and play some other games.

One afternoon, Bill is free. And he flies kites with his friends after school. But Bill's kite is in the tree and he cannot get it. Bill and his friends do not know what to do. They worry (着急) very much and Bill comes to his father, Mr. Green, for help. His father wants to get the kite down from the tree, but he can't. So Bill asks him to make a new one for him. Mr. Green makes a new kite for Bill. When the boy gets the new kite, he is very glad. He thanks his father for the kite and goes out to play with his friends.

1.Why does Bill go to fly kites?     

A. Because(因为)he has a new kite. B. Because he has some time.

C. Because his teacher asks them to do that. D. Because he needn't go to school.

2.Who flies kites with Bill?     

A. His father. B. His cousins. C. His sister. D. His friends.

3.Why does Bill come to his father?     

A. Because he wants his father to get down the kite. B. Because one of his friends doesn't have a kite.

C. Because he wants his father to fly kites. D. Because his father takes away his kite.

4.Which of the following is the right order(正确的顺序)?     

①Bill's father makes a kite.  ②Bill goes to fly kites.

③The kite is in the tree.  ④Bill asks his father for help.

A. ①②③④ B. ②③④① C. ④①②③ D. ③①④②

5.Which of the following is TRUE?     

A. Flying kites is Bill's favorite game. B. Bill makes the kite with his father.

C. Bill's family live in America. D. Bill's friends help him get the kite.

