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Music is something that everybody likes. Everybody can make sounds______a way by singing______playing a musical instrument. Many______have developed as people have found______how to sing in different ways. There are many kinds of music______ that you are sure to find some music that will greatly interest you.

Music has______for everyone. It______by the old and the young, men and women. It can______people happy or sad. In our modern world, radios and televisions supply us with a constant flow of music, giving us enjoyment.______in a music lesson or at a concert, music lesson______different things to different people. Music belongs to the whole world.

1.A. by   B. with   C. for   D. in

2.A. and   B. or   C. with   D. without

3.A. music   B. musics   C. kind of music   D. kinds of music

4.A. out   B. over   C. off   D. through

5.A. hearing   B. for hearing   C. to hear   D. heard

6.A. sense   B. meaning   C. story   D. wonder

7.A. is fond   B. catches   C. is like   D. is enjoyed

8.A. drive   B. cause   C. help   D. make

9.A. Both   B. Either   C. Neither   D. Not only

10.A. means   B. is meant   C. has   D. is having

